Pelgrane Press ran the Dracula Dossier kickstarter. As one of the stretch goals, I was hired to write a scenario for Night’s Black Agents, called Day of the Wehrwolf. Interestingly, the scenario is a standalone module– something you can play independent of the Dracula conspiracy.
October, 2015: Day of the Wehrwolf is now available for Kickstarter backers in The Edom Files! It will be live on Pelgrane’s site soon!
Some Thoughts about this Scenario
The initial pitch was to write something influenced by Day of the Jackal, retelling the story of the 1981 bombing of Radio Free Europe by Carlos the Jackal. These are two independent but complementary sources. Day of the Jackal is a Frederick Forsythe novel about an assassination attempt on President Charles De Gaulle.
Meanwhile, Carlos the Jackal, or Ilich Ramarez Sanchez, was a Venezuelan revolutionary who plotted and carried out the aforementioned bombing of Radio Free Europe.
What I decided to do was write a ranging, international thriller scenario, set in 1981, that would give the PCs numerous directions to pursue “Carlos the Werewolf” and his cronies. There are side plots. There’s possible Vatican involvement. There are discos and sleazy men with too much hair. The whole thing can be trimmed to a single 4-hour session, or played out over several sessions, depending on the group and which directions the players pursue.
I’ve also been asked many times about why it’s a “wehrwolf.” There’s a German novel called Der Wehrwolf about a defender-style werewolf.
There are, possibly, defender wehrwolves, in this scenario.