Utterly silly and overpriced, but I could not resist! Think I can knit it a superhero cape and make it a business expense? By the way, I’m at the airport, heading to Seattle for a knitting show, where I’m speaking tomorrow night. Wish me luck and love!
My Halloween Costume
John thinks it’s too controversial for me to post about my Halloween costume when looking for a job. Discuss.
(From John): “Today, my boyfriend realized I’m a Cylon and tried to kill me. He failed, so I tried to kill myself. I failed, too. FML.” This post brought to you by Disc 4 of Season 1.
Childfree and Property Taxes
Kind of a thought-ramble from when I still paid property taxes. I want as much of my property tax going to schools as possible. If **your** children are in a safe, educational school, then they are off of the streets and not hoodluming up my car, my home, or my neighborhoods. Plus, when they get […]
Lessons from Toys R Us
I don’t think I’ve ever told anyone about this. At 14, I was heading into high school and had abandoned all hope of ever being cool. In fact, I’d gone to Space Camp the previous spring and discovered that it was okay to be a geeky nerd, so by golly, that’s what I was going […]