I joined dice.camp about 5 years ago when Google+ shut down. As Twitter goes through its death throes, I’m more active on Mastodon. Enjoying it for the most part. Here are some tips I posted recently to a friend, gathered from various other posts on the Mastodon. There’s a lot of thought and discussion about […]
Warlock Sanctum Games Interview
Matthew from Warlock Sanctum Games interviewed me today about paid GMing, game design, and more! And while I have your attention, check out and sign up for my next playtest!
Simplicity Top

I knitted a top with souvenir yarn from a trip, and here are the details and modifications I made!
Buzz and Fly: A Bee Game
Buzz and Fly is now available! It’s a Lasers & Feelings hack where you play bees in a beehive. I started writing it June 28, 2020 and finished on October 30, 2020.
D&D Chase Sequences
Chase rules in D&D need a lot of work to make them usable.